Rosewood Organics
Between the Lines
Fabric and Quilt designed
by Rose Rotzler, Rosewood Organics
Patterns & fabric available from

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?Here,? said a Heiltsuk friend as we began the walk, ?put this in your pocket, it will help protect you.? She handed me a piece of dried Devil?s club bark, medicine from the B.C. coastal rainforest to carry with me as we walked by Alberta?s tar sands facilities for the 4th annual Healing Walk. Strong medicine was definitely in order as my lungs hurt, heart ached, and eyes welled up with tears with all that I was witnessing. I?ve seen photos of the tar sands, but it?s another thing altogether to walk the ground and smell the air. ?That?s not just dust,? I was told by someone who works in the industry as the wind crossed the tailings pond. The ?dust? swirled all around us. I put my mask on
Read the rest here:?
Caitlyn Vernon: Heartbreak at the Edge of Canada?s Tar Sands
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